Post Natal Physio

Why do I need to see a physio after having a pregnancy?

No matter how you deliver, it is important for your long-term health to have a post-natal physio assessment. The best time to do this is at about 6 weeks post-natal, but ideally, you have seen your women’s health physio during your pregnancy.

Pregnancy hormones will affect your ligaments (throughout your entire body) and often are linked to constipation (which can cause pelvic floor issues). The pregnancy will increase the weight on the pelvic floor muscle, leading to urinary or bowel symptoms especially if you have not learned how to contract and relax your pelvic floor. The delivery will be different for everyone and whether you deliver vaginally or via c-section there will always be an effect on your pelvic floor and abdominals.

Your post-natal physio visit will include:

  • in-depth discussion of your delivery and initial recovery

  • abdominal assessment

  • pelvic floor assessment (internal and external)

  • pelvic organ prolapse assessment

  • full body assessment

  • discussion and planning of your fitness goals and any implications of pelvic floor issues on timelines

  • explanation and education of findings and what who should do for your long-term health

The goal is always to help you understand how to best care for yourself and limit any long-term health issues *think leakage, prolapse

Often the effects of pregnancy and delivery don’t immediately show…but at menopause, they pop up!

While it is never too late to get your pelvic symptoms assessed and treated, you will help your long-term health substantially by getting a post-natal assessment 6 weeks post delivery.

Selena O'Dwyer

Meet Selena our resident Women’s Health Physiotherapist!

B.Hlth.Sc., M.Physio., APAM, Gradcert.Physio (Exercise and Women’s Health)


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