Are you scared of getting your next pap smear??

Is having a pap smear been painful for you? Or have you avoided having one as you are afraid of the pain?

Pap smears (cervical screening test) are an important screening tool for early detection of cervical cancer and currently, in Australia a test is recommended once sexually active and then every 5 years.

In Australia, you can now also do your own pap smear if confident (Self Collection Cervical Screening Test), but for women who have trouble inserting a tampon, painful sex, or pelvic pain, the thought of having a pap smear test can be daunting!

If you have never had a pap smear before or have had pain/ painful pelvis or abdominal area after here are some things that may help you:

  • deep breathing exercises before, during, and after your test

  • pelvic opening stretches

  • learning about your anatomy and how the test is done can help your body feel more relaxed

If you are not sure how to do any of these contact us or book into your local pelvic floor physio.

If you do have any pain inserting a tampon, having a pap smear or having sex, you may have pelvic floor issues, book into see us today! You do not have to continue to experience those symptoms!


When do I need to see a women’s health physio??


Post Natal Physio